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Stop 8 Albert Embankment

The community won the day at the public inquiry and stopped the developers' proposals.

Stop 8 Albert Embankment

The then Secretary of State Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP called in the planning application for 8 Albert Embankment, a hyper dense development in historic Lambeth village, for a public inquiry.

This was the result of community opposition - many people writing and petitioning - over 5,000 signatures on ‘Save Our Sunlight! Stop the Towers at 8 Albert Embankment!’

The public inquiry was our last chance to:
- Save the unique heritage of Lambeth village, including loss of the Fire Brigade HQ silhouette, damage by the double height extension on the roof and the 200 bed wrap around hotel at the rear
- Save the daylight of the local community including losses of between 40 to 75% on numerous windows, in surrounding residential blocks including 9 Albert Embankment, Black Prince Road, Newport Street and Whitgift Street.
- Stop the unworkable proposals for hyper dense hotel operations, traffic circulation, servicing bays and impacts on local amenities like Old Paradise Gardens.
- Stop the impacts on local cultural and heritage institutions such as the Garden Museum and Beaconsfield Gallery, preventing greening projects and causing 'daylight robbery'.

For more information on Lambeth village see

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